

Monday 2 September 2013


Hello everyone!

Hope you all had a great summer. Although I enjoyed the summer months, I am happy that it's back-to-school time once again! 

This is my first time setting up a blog and I am very excited that I'll be able to share what the students and I will be doing in music class this year. I won't be posting pictures of the students, but I'll be able to post about what we are exploring in class. I will also be using this page to provide parents with important updates and information regarding different activities throughout the school year.

I hope to be able to post sound files or youtube links to the songs we will be working on in class so that the children can practice singing their hearts out at home. You know what they say, "Practice Makes Perfect!"

This coming week will be the start of music classes and I am excited to meet all of the students. I have been fortunate enough to talk with a few on the first day of school and special thanks to those who came up to me in the schoolyard and made me feel welcome! I look forward to meeting many parents in the upcoming weeks and hope you will visit my blog regularly to keep up-to-date. I truly hope to keep up-to-date with it myself, although it may take some getting used to for me. I believe this will be an exciting and fun way to keep in touch. What a great beginning to the school year so far!

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