

Saturday 16 November 2013

Rhythm Rotation

Hello again,

This past week the cycle 1 students practiced their rhythm reading skills by participating in a variety of activities. We had fun with different stations, including games such as "Rhythm Rockets" where the students moved clothespins up and down their rocketship game cards to indicate the rhythm being read.

We also took turns reading out different rhythms using "Ti-ti" and "Ta" and forming them with popsicle sticks on our beat mats.

Another game we played was called Music Monsters and is one that I adapted from an idea shared by another teacher. I thought the students would enjoy playing with characters from the movie Monsters they snuck their way into our rhythm reading practice game by being our game pieces. In this one, the students had to roll their dice and remove a monster from the corresponding column on their game mat by reading the rhythm found underneath.

Our final station allowed us to let loose a little a throw beanbags onto mats with rhythm cards on them. In order to score a point, the students had to read out the rhythm they landed on to their teammates. This one seemed to be a hit, as I could definately hear the excitement coming from that part of the room! :)

After having worked on reading simple rhythms for a few weeks now, it was wonderful to see the students able to play the games by themselves and help each other with the skill. I'm proud to see that many of them are able to read these rhythms with ease now.

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