

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Welcome to the 2014/2015 School Year!

Hello everyone!

Welcome back to my blog! With some much going on at the beginning of the year, this is my first post of the year. I'm so glad to be back at my wonderful school teaching music again!

To those who have never visited my blog, you can check out what we were up to last year in music and be sure to revisit it soon - as I'll be posting more info on what we are learning about in kindergarten and cycle 1.

I'm still pretty new to blogging and am trying to figured out how to organize this page a little better.

So far in cycle 1 we have reviewed a lot of basic music theory elements such as dynamics (volume), tempo (speed), articulation (the way the music moves) and form (organization). The students certainly have some new vocabulary to share...presto and largo anyone? Forte and piano? Staccato and legato?

Here's what our room looks like this year:

A little addition to the hallway shows all of the SJF Jr. Staff's favourite genres of music (something we will be looking at soon in cycle 1!)

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