

Monday 23 March 2015

Grade 2 Links & HOMEWORK

Hello Grade 2 Parents!

Your child should have recently come home with a package from me with 24 words that they are expected to know for music class. If you did not receive it, you can click HERE to download the word list from Dropbox. Please have your child ask me for a package. 
I apologize for the delay in sending these instructions and for any confusion it may have caused.

These words are not new to the grade 2 students who have been with me all year. If your child is not yet able to recognize the symbols, the activity provided should help them to learn the language we are using in class.

The 2nd page of the package can be used to play a self-correcting matching game. Students should cut up the pieces and keep them in a plastic bag to go over on a regular basis (by matching up words to symbols) in order to familiarize themselves with the symbols. 

I would ask that you please help your child to recognize the symbols by being able match each music symbol to its music word. If they have difficulty reading, please read the words to them so that they can match up the words and symbols.

Your child is not required to spell or memorize the words, only to recognize them.
Knowing the words means sharing the same vocabulary as everyone else in music class. The students are all learning this new language together and as with learning any new language, some regular practice is required.

Although there will be no formal test at this time, in order to fully participate in our activities the students must be able to recognize the symbols. I will be continuing to help them better understand the meanings of these words.

Thank you so much for your help and support.

Please check out the links below for some of the best videos that we have watched in music class so far this year.

They may help to demystify some of what have been learning and the terms we use. The students are getting so good at using all of the complex music terms!

Whats in a score
Sometimes Music is Silence
How Notes and Beats Go Together
How to Read Music

Rhythm Lesson -Note duration/value and Names
Getting Ready to Read Music
Line and Space Notes
Quarter Notes
Forte Piano
Crescendo / Decrescendo
Give it a Rest
Whacky Do Re Mi
Ode to the Treble Clef
Every Good Boy Deserves Football
Note Values
The Music Alphabet
Music Theory - Lesson One

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