

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Kindergarten LYRICS and updates songs

Hello Kindergarten Parents!

For the concert on April 30th, there will be 2 groups:

Group 1 - Mme. Emond, Mme. Diane, Mme. Ziwani/Mme. Cesari
Group 2 - Mme. Yolanda, Mme. Adrienne, Mme Bojanowski/Mme. Genevieve

You can now access the lyrics (and songs) for the concert song at the links below.
Group 1
Group 2

Please also download the new versions of the following tracks:
Group 1 - The Best Day of my Life
Group 2 - Roar   &  We're Making Music

You will need a Dropbox account in order to save the songs and lyrics to your computer.

Please encourage your child(ren) to practice their singing. They should know the lyrics to their songs, sing loudly without yelling and do their best to pronounce the words clearly.
There are actions that go along with the songs, but we will practice those in class only.

Please note that we will be adding a song to each group after the March Break. Stay tuned!
Thank you for your support.

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